Having Trouble Focusing? It Could Be A Speech Or Language Disorder

Having Trouble Focusing? It Could Be A Speech Or Language Disorder | District Speech & Language Therapy | Washington D.C. & Arlington VA

Many of the tasks we perform on a day to day basis require some level of focus or concentration.

For children in school, this could mean listening to their teacher speak and then having to complete tasks, assignments, or worksheets.

For adults, you need to focus to drive to work, and then as you sit through meetings and presentations or while reading important reports and documents required for your job.

Difficulty with concentration or focus can hinder academic performance and workplace success, however, if this is something you struggle with, there may be an underlying reason you’re having these issues.

At District Speech And Language Therapy we can help you determine if your lack of focus is due to an underlying condition such as a speech or language disorder.

Today we’re going to have a look at some of the conditions which can lead to a decreased ability to concentrate.

Keep reading to learn more.

What Does It Mean To Have Trouble Focusing?

An inability to focus, or to concentrate means you have difficulty completing tasks which require your attention.

This can have an impact on your success in school, or in the workforce.

For example, if you can’t concentrate on reading for extending periods of time, it could affect your ability to do academic readings or to read important reports and documents at work.

It may also make it difficult to perform tasks such as driving.

An inability to focus can also impact your decision making ability.

What Are The Symptoms Of Having Trouble Focusing?

An inability to focus may present itself in some of the following ways:

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Finding it takes a lot of physical and mental energy to maintain focus
  • Short term memory issues
  • Making careless mistakes
  • Fidgeting, having trouble staying still
  • Having trouble with complicated tasks
  • Brain fog
  • Losing things, or not being able to remember where you put things
  • Indecisiveness

What Are The Causes Of Having Trouble Focusing?

In many cases, difficulty focusing can be linked to an underlying condition, including a speech or language disorder.

Recognizing this is important, because once a cause can be found for ones lack of focus, than it means they are more likely to be able to find solutions and strategies to help stay on track.

If your difficulty focusing is a result of an underlying condition, however, speech therapy for adults as well as pediatric speech therapy can help, depending on your age.

Let’s have a look at some of the disorders which could be responsible for an inability to concentrate.

disorders which could be responsible for an inability to concentrate | District Speech & Language Therapy | Washington D.C. & Arlington VA


ADD stands for attention deficit disorder, while ADHD is short for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

These conditions are now considered one and the same however, and are just called ADHD.

So the fact that someone with ADHD may have trouble with focus or concentration is right there in its name – “attention deficit”.

People with ADHD often have difficulty paying attention, or focus on the “wrong” things.

Individuals with this condition may also seem to prefer to multitask, and jump around from task to task as one thing becomes “boring” and something else seems more interesting.

They may also have difficulty reading.

As well, there’s a connection between ADHD and stuttering – up to 50% of people who stutter also have ADHD.

2. Stroke

A stroke is a type of brain injury, which occurs as the result of an interruption of blood to the brain.

Because of this impact on the brain, issues with functions such as memory, thinking, and concentration are extremely common following a stroke.

This is especially true if the part of the brain which controls cognition was affected by the stroke.

Speech therapy is an important part of stroke recovery as a result, especially if it results in aphasia.

3. Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is a chromosomal condition which occurs when a child is born with an extra copy of their twenty first chromosome.

It can result in developmental delays, speech issues, and social issues.

Children with Down syndrome may exhibit impulsive behavior, and limited attention spans.

A likely reason for this is due to the fact that people with Down syndrome often have an underactive thyroid, and hypothyroidism can lead to decreased concentration.

This is why your speech therapist for down syndrome will be just one part of your team of healthcare providers.

4. A Hearing Impairment

Individuals experiencing hearing loss or impairment often need to concentrate a lot harder than others in order to follow along with conversations or other things going on around them.

The mental energy required simply to follow along can lead to cognitive overload, which often means information isn’t stored, and may make it more difficult to focus on what others are saying.

In addition, having a hearing impairment means people are more likely to miss details of what is being told to them, and may have difficulty keeping focus, particularly in noisy environments.

If your child is hearing impaired, speech therapy will take that into account.

Book Your Appointment With District Speech Today

Have you been finding it more and more difficult to focus on your school or work?

Perhaps you’ve noticed a difference since shifting more to online meetings or classes during the pandemic, and wonder if there might be more to it than just “Zoom fatigue”.

If you’re a parent, maybe you’re noticing signs of a lack of focus in your child and want to get them help so they don’t get frustrated and bored of school.

Whatever the age and stage of life you’re at, we’re District Speech, serving Washington DC and the surrounding area, and we can help.

If you, or your child, is having trouble with focus, at school, work, or any other area of life, contact us today to set up a consultation.

We can help you determine if there is an underlying reason for your inability to focus and come up with a treatment plan and strategies to help you address it.

District Speech and Language Therapy
1300 I St NW, #400E,
Washington, DC 20005

- https://g.page/districtspeech

District Speech and Language Therapy specializes in speech therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy solutions, for both children and adults, in the Washington D.C and the Arlington Virginia areas.